
The stack is your workspace. It works as a place to push and pop values, and to call functions. It's the main way to interact with the language.

All expressions are implicitly pushed to the stack.

2 ;; Pushes 2

"hello" ;; Pushes "hello"

'[] ;; Pushes an empty list


During the phase of introducing a new expression to the program, the engine "purifies" the expression. It will try to evaluate it, such as calling a symbol or evaluating a list.

;; Push 2

;; Push 2

;; Push + (gets called automatically)

;; Returns 4 onto the stack
;; Both 2's and the + are popped (since + was called)
;; [2 2 +] -> [4]

For lists, the items are evaluated in-order, unless the list is lazy.

[2 2 +]

;; Results in `4`
;; [] -> [4]

'[2 2 +]

;; Results in `(2 2 +)`
;; [] -> [(2 2 +)]

Purification only happens once. If a value from a variable is pushed to the stack, it will not be purified. The stack and scope are considered "pure". Only when putting new values into the stack will they be purified.

(Note: Values can only get into the scope from the stack, so no purification step is made when transitioning from stack to scope, only from program/input to stack.)


Because the purification step eagerly evaluates symbols and lists, this can be turned off by prefixing ' to the beginning of an expression.


;; Results in the symbol being pushed to the stack, but not called
;; [] -> [a]

As a lazy expression is pushed to the stack, it will be unlazied by one level. So, if you provide two ' in the beginning of an expression, it will be pushed as a lazy expression.


;; Results in the lazy symbol being pushed to the stack and not called
;; [] -> ['a]

Any expression can be made lazy, though it will really only affects symbols, lists, and functions.

2 2 '+

;; Results in both 2's and the + being pushed to the stack, but not called
;; [] -> [2 2 +]

'[2 2 +]

;; Results in the list being pushed to the stack, but not called
;; [] -> [[2 2 +]]

See the docs on lazy lists for more information on the behavior of lazy lists and lists with lazy items.

Calling lists, functions, and symbols will be purified then evaluated. See documentation on the call intrinsic for more information on this behavior.