In Stack, there are a few basic types of data, and a few basic ways to structure them. Here are some examples:
;; Integers
1 -1
;; Floats
1.0 -1.0
;; Strings
"Hello, World!" "Hello, \"World!\""
;; Booleans
true false
;; Symbols (aka "Calls")
+ - * / % = < > <= >= != my-symbol what/is_a-symbol?!
;; Lists
'[1 2 3] '[[a pair] [of items]]
;; Lazy
'my-symbol '[] 'fn
;; Functions
'(fn 2 2 +)
;; Records
{key "value" foo "bar"}
;; S-Expressions
(+ 2 2)
;; Comments
;; This is a comment
All whitespace is treated the same, so you have really long one-liners or split each item onto its own line. It's up to you!